Bramley Vale -

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Bramley Vale

Collieries > A-B
Bramley Vale Drifts.

No.1 Drift Top. SK.4670 6634.

Bramley Vale Drifts.

In 1954 it was decided to  sink two surface drifts into the Clowne seam at 1,140 yards at a gradient of 1 in 5, these were called the Bramley Vale Drifts and were incorporated into the Glapwell colliery complex, they closed in 1970. Whilst the two pits were in operation they produced 1,000,000 tons of coal per annum. On closure of the drifts in 1970 and prior to Glapwell collieries closure in 1974 the colliery alone at Glapwell produced 400,000 tons of saleable coal per annum. It is far quicker to remove coal from underground in a large colliery by conveyors bringing coal out via a drift as the bottleneck is the movement of the coal up a shaft.

In operation from 1954 until closure in 1970. Two underground drifts running north east.

1954-1970. Worked the Clowne seam.

No.1 Drift
1138 yards long. Reached coal November 1957.

No.2 Drift
1140 yards long. Reached coal in November 1957.
Closed January 1970.

Photograph showing No.2 drift top site today.
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